The Three Biggest Lies

20-years ago, the biggest lie was “The check is in the mail.”

10-years ago, the biggest lie was “Please listen carefully as our menu options have recently changed.”

Today the biggest lie is “We care about your privacy.”

Recently my cable internet provider updated their privacy policy. They were actually honest about avoiding sweeping grandiose promises. When they rolled out their new privacy policy, they introduced it as:

“We know you care about your privacy and the protection of your personal information.

“We also know it is our responsibility to be clear about how we protect your information.

Like most companies, they then go on for about 2,000 words (10-pages) of detailed explanations of how they share your information with 3rd parties and adamantly refuse to acknowledge the “Do Not Track” setting of your browser. (I consider it less than honest to loudly proclaim “We do not SELL your information” when they have entered into 3rd party relationships to exchange data for the purpose of increasing ad revenue. Consumers are rarely given the information to block this type of sharing.)

Fortunately there is a wonderful browser plug-in called Privacy Badger that enables you to enforce “Do Not Track.” I’ve been using it for a few years now and commend it to you

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